16 September 2010


That's a rhetorical "why" in the post title.  I just am wondering why tonight is turning out to be one of the harder nights.  It started when I went down to the basement after the concrete guys had left to see what they'd done (dug out lots of dirt and built forms - concrete should be poured on Monday).  Maybe it's because I'm having big things done in the house without Jerry here to make decisions about them with me?  Because all day I heard what I assume was a miter saw being used in the basement, and I associate that sound with the shop and with Jerry?  Because most of today was gloomy and rainy?

Or maybe it's simply because the love of my life is dead and I will never, ever see him again.  And that's my reality.  And I can't do anything, anything to make it different.

This sounds familiar.  I'll bet I've written this before.  And I'll probably write variations on it again and again.  I just want this not to be true.  I just want him to come home to me.

1 comment:

  1. It's a challenge to tread another path than what we want, but "what we want" is only that -- "what we want." And that is where we can, eventually, "make it [where the "it" is the resultant of external forces and our internal reaction] different" (while finding other ways to express the feelings or needs that lurk behind the "what I want").

    Sorry to go into "fix it" mode -- I just worry that you'll get stuck in unhelpful patterns of thinking.


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