24 September 2010


Had a strange dream last night that involved a huge party at a mansion somewhere in Scandinavia - lots of people in various rooms, talking, interacting, lots of books on the walls.  I suspect a late-night dose of Alexander Skarsgård before bed is responsible for the Scandinavian part.

In an unrelated... or maybe not, maybe my subconscious remembered the dream while I was deciding this... I just got, as Jerry might put it, sucked into the Vortex of Larsson.  I was placing an order with Powell's in Portland, with which I still have credit from having sold them lots of books, and ordering a book on widowhood (this one will make the difference!!!!  No????).  Wanted to get free shipping (they're so devious, these marketers who set a threshold for free shipping - but effective) so I added a couple of vegan cookbooks, not that I'm sticking to vegan right now, but anyway, then, to get up to the threshold, I threw in a used copy of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  Which the two unrelated people sitting in my row on my flight back from BNA in August were both reading.  As Jerry liked to say, "It's everywhere, it's everywhere..."

Triumph of optimism over current reality: thinking I'll be cooking again someday, and thinking I'll have the concentration to be able to enjoy reading again someday.  Prozac?


  1. Now if I could dream of Alexander Skarsgård, I would be having some good dreams. But, with my luck, I'd be his latest victim on True Blood!

    BTW - I'm thinking of reading The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo. Let me know what you think of it.

  2. Do you have even weirder dreams when the full moon comes out. I didn't this cycle but they usually are super weird!

    Shane has seen the 2 movies of the first two books for the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and a book club at my old work was reading them....maybe it is time for me to check them out!

    I hope the Prozac starts working soon (for your sake)!


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