At the suggestion of my father, Laura and I went up to "the Despot" today and got insulation for the cold water pipes in the basement, which sweat when the weather gets warm - thanks for that, Daddy. We got most of them covered (luckily, Laura is taller than me and could reach the high pipes), and I can go back and get a bit more insulation to get the rest done. We also removed a bunch of spiders from corners in my bedroom and in the living room. As Jerry would have told them, they know the rule... no spiders in the house. (Most of them got sucked into a tube and removed to the outdoors, actually. I guess my hard-heartedness isn't total, at least not yet.) And Laura made a huge slow-cooker full of excellent veg chili, and I'll have a lot of leftovers in the freezer - thanks, Laura!
Meanwhile, the upstairs bathroom tap is leaking and the upstairs bathroom toilet needs the handle jiggled to stop it from running after you flush it. Looking at a corner of the basement, I think it does seem to be seeping water. We went out in the morning and cut back some of the Joe-Pye weed that has taken over part of the yard, and I noticed again the landscape timber that needs to be replaced by the back door... where the storm door also needs to be replaced, as part of it is rotting away.
Tip of the iceberg. The more I look around at the house and the yard, the more overwhelmed I feel.
I received the forms I need to fill out for the life insurance company. They want a death certificate and the original policy (or an explanation of why I don't have the original policy). Seamus was going to call the funeral home to find out what's going on with things; if he hasn't by Monday, I'll gird my loins and do it myself. Don't have a clue if there's an original of the insurance policy anywhere findable.
Sitting on the back porch at the moment, in one of the chaises I got so Jerry could relax on the porch over the summer; he only got to sit out here in one of them once. It's getting dark, and I see the fireflies are back. I wish Jerry were here to see them. I wish Jerry were here.
Weird, for us it was Adirondack chairs in the backyard, one use ...