I was going to go back to bed for a bit longer until it's time to get up for work after going to the bathroom just now, but had a moment straight out of Minghella's Truly, Madly, Deeply (but involving, luckily, a smaller rodent) - I was in the bathroom when something caught my eye, and my first thought was "ant" until I realized it was much, much bigger: a mouse was scampering around on the floor. And having seen Truly, Madly, Deeply way more times than is good for a person, I immediately thought of that: man dies, partner is left behind, rats appear (at least in my case, knock wood, it was only a mouse), partner is freaked out. Of course, in the movie the rats are terrified of ghosts and the reappearance of Jamie to Nina is marked by their absence, and while I can hope with every ounce of disordered thinking I have going on that Jerry is going to come back, I know that in my case it's long past time to reset the Rat Zapper. So I did that just now. We used to try to use humane no-kill mousetraps and take them outside when we caught them, but the mouse droppings in the kitchen drawers were the last straw and now we use this one. And Jerry used to be the one who could deal with it.
My Bambi-ized heart, which keeps me from eating meat and is steering me towards a more vegan diet, seems totally unmoved now by the thought of trapping these mice in a lethal trap. I don't think it's fair that anything or anyone gets to live if Jerry doesn't.
I eat meat so I'm not a good comparison, but with mice I always feel like, they came into my house. Very different from raising animals specifically to kill and eat.