23 August 2010

Wee hours of Monday

Almost an hour since I walked in the door after my trip back from Alabama this afternoon and evening.  Too tired to write more now, so I'll just post the message I sent to some very special people who were among those who made this weekend everything I could have wanted it to be and more:

Just walked in the door back home in Algonquin (flight delays from Nashville made my arrival a bit later than expected) and wanted to send a quick note to let all of you know how grateful I am to all of you, as well as to Bud, S.T. and so many other people, for what you all did for Jerry this weekend.  For me, it was all I could have hoped for and more - I knew I wanted Jerry's life to be celebrated in that place and with so many people he loved so much, but you all took my vague idea and turned it into a weekend of such love and friendship and warmth, of such cherished memories, that I'm still amazed that I ever thought I might not have the courage to go to the Lookout Mountain Convention (or any singing) right now.  As I discovered very quickly, it was exactly where I belonged, and it was exactly what I needed.  To be able to share the burden of this awful sadness and grief for these two days with people who love Jerry, to have many moments where that grief was, although not removed, at least lightened for a time with the joys of friendship and fellowship and singing - I could not have asked for a better balm.

I look forward to seeing you all again soon (some of you next weekend back in Alabama, I'm so glad to say - coming back so soon is one of the better ideas I've had recently!).

Love, Karen 


  1. Oh, I'm so glad to read this! You were on my heart and mind this morning ... Going to those special places for the first time can be so hard, an absurd mixture of utter sorrow and pain and simple bliss of love and memory.

    I'm glad your friends gave you -- and Jerry -- what you needed.

  2. I am glad (and relieved, I confess) you (re)found your community and support you can access.

  3. I am so glad that you made this trip...that you connected with others who loved Jerry and that you let yourself have your grief while you were there.


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