14 August 2010

A bear of a man (or not)

Today's adventure was the facial and massage at a local Aveda salon.  Both were nice, as was the hair blow-out that was included in the package I booked.  However... the masseuse considered herself "intuitive," and when she heard that I was recently widowed, said something about "consulting with her guide." At first I had no idea what she meant, and then she said something about sensing a "warmth" - and I was horrified to realize she was doing a medium routine.  She decided she was sensing a large warm energy - and then asked if my husband had been a big "bear of a man."  She was probably disappointed when I all but laughed (or would have if I hadn't been feeling unhappy): those of you who knew Jerry know (and those of you who've seen his photos can probably guess) that he was at most 138 pounds sopping wet at his heaviest.  So the "large energy" got quickly switched to "a large personality?"  I refused to play along or give her any hints, so the channeling of my dead husband from the Great Beyond came to an abrupt halt, I'm relieved to say.

Despite that, as I say, the spa package was nice, except for me not being in any kind of good mental place to really be able to let go and stop thinking about things, and for some reason during the facial and massage my mind insisted on focusing in on Jerry in the hospital - maybe because the spa stuff was all so body-focused, and I was thinking of Jerry having massages at the radiation office (and coming out from one of them saying "Mellow..."), and how originally the plan was to have been for both of us to go to the spa together, and I started thinking about all the horrific things that happened to his body at the hospital.

Think I'll go try fifteen minutes on the meditation cushions.  I haven't given that a try since before Jerry went into the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. !! Aargh. That medium--oops, massage therapist--was very intrusive. She should have stuck to massage and not presumed to "channel" anything. I'd have been annoyed.

    I've heard that meditation is supposed to be helpful if one keeps up the practice over a long period of time, without waiting for a specific result to arrive at any specific time.


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