08 August 2010

One more thing...

Before I go to bed (1 a.m. ...good possibility that I'll be able to fall asleep now), I want to thank you guys for the cards I'm still getting, for the messages you've been sending, for the comments on the blog.  I'm not doing real well with one-on-one communication right now (as some of you have noticed, I'm sure), but I do want you to know I'm grateful for your love and support.


  1. I haven't expected, and do not expect, a response from you. I only hope that something I've said has helped--since that has been my intention--and that you would forgive me if something I've said has hit a nerve in the wrong way. I do think of you, and hope that you will find solace and support on your journey.

  2. I suggest saving all those cards, notes and comments in one place so you can refer to them later. You might find, as time goes by, that they will look different to you--that, for instance, you've accomplished something that someone recommended; something else you needed and got, you don't need anymore; or perhaps they will continue to provide solace and companionship. I know I still refer to notes that were given to me by singers at a surprise party in my honor for my birthday two years ago. They are a great source of support and encouragement, as is the memory of the event itself. (So very sweet...)

    In the end, it's the little things that matter--little things all piled up into big things. The kind word, the cake with my name spelled out in blueberries (!teary-eyed at this, the cards, the hug, or whatever. Save them up, write them down, look at them all from time to time, and life may look better, or at least bearable.


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