05 July 2010

Piling, Shredding

Another day spent hauling books around and shredding things (and just now, sweeping up trails of shredded paper).  I'll have a half dozen large black garbage bags of shredded paper to take to the dumpster at work, and two bankers boxes of books to drop off at the post office to send to Powell's in Portland, Oregon - they'll probably reject some of the books for mildew and some for being book club editions (from Jerry's and my short time belonging to a cookbook club), but I think there'll be enough there to make it worthwhile, and anyway, they pay shipping, so even if they reject some books, I haven't lost anything.   As for the several hundred other books currently piled in the dining room, I'll call the library tomorrow and see what can happen.  And mind you, this is just my stuff.  I can't go through Jerry's yet, at least not for the purpose of sorting it out and deciding, um, about it.  I did look for his trumpet again today, for Seamus, but still no luck.  I hope he didn't go through with selling it and not tell me.  I don't suppose he put it in the cedar closet in the basement with his clothes...?

Speaking of the basement, there's water appearing in places that I can't even figure out - the middle of the floor, with no rivulets leading to the spots? - and we haven't had any rain.  And the dehumidifier has decided not to go on at all.  After all the rattling noise it was making, I'm not really surprised it's stopped working.  But I guess this means I need to go buy a new one.  But back to the water, I don't know where it's coming from or how it's getting to those weird isolated spots on the floor, but definitely I need to get the contractor out here.  Seamus says he's been out of town, so I hope I'll hear from him this week, or get hold of him, anyway.

I had vague plans to do some exercising today - even wore workout clothes all day.  I did actually pick up hand weights and do some exercises with them (they were in the bedroom.  I'd brought them in there so Jerry could use them to help regain his strength all those weeks he spent mostly in bed, "recovering" from the radiation and waiting in vain for his appetite to return.  Everything hurts)... but it's so muggy, and I was so busy shredding, that I never did do any more.  I think it would be a good thing, both for my physical health and possibly to get out of my mind a bit, not that I expect that really to happen - clearing my mind never having been something I've been good at.  Still, must keep trying.  Noticed the meditation cushions up in the Buddha Bedroom while looking for Jerry's trumpet up there and thought yet again that I should go back to trying that.  Also noticed that I can't remember the last time I watered the house plants.  Must do that tomorrow.

I want my honey back.

1 comment:

  1. I took over walking the dog when my husband got too sick to continue doing it, and I found that the walking did me good too -- I still do it, even these past couple of years without the dog, though it is admittedly a different experience that way. Anyway, for me, walking helps air out the brain -- kind of like it creates more space between the thoughts, feelings, etc., and they get less intense and settle down to more appropriate proportions.


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