02 January 2012

New Year's Photo Challenge

Via Alicia via Amanda comes this:

Considering what an infrequent blogger I've become over the months, and how much I keep getting stuck on grief when I do blog, perhaps this will generate some material.  Or at least keep me amused.  So, following their leads, here I go:


Me, today.  No makeup, no hair product, no blow dryer.


Breakfast (with apologies to Alicia for theft of intellectual property, but it's the constant!).  Yeah, that's powdered creamer.  One Weight Watchers Points Plus point per serving.  Anyone finds a non-pointy creamer, you let me know.  I didn't even drink regular non-decaffeinated coffee for several decades, but this past year the antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds I was on were making me so sleepy that driving to work was scaring me, so I decided to see if regular coffee still upset my stomach.  It doesn't.  And now it's part of the routine.

OK, so so far this exercise hasn't resulted in fascinating prose.  Still... it's an entry!

Back to cleaning the dining room/office - I'm determined to see the top of the credenza by the end of today.


  1. Terrific!

    I've been terrible at blogging lately, too, which is what prompted me to start the photo challenge. Let's cheer each other on!

    And I'm giggling at your breakfast choice.

  2. Thank you for posting this project! I look forward to seeing your postings & have decided to join in on the fun of this project! Subject matter determined & only 31 days seems so manageable.


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