06 January 2012

6. Makes Me Smile


No words needed, I'm thinking.


  1. Oh, myyyyy.... Oh, yummmm...

    "smile" isn't quite the word I'd use for this photo's effect on me...

  2. Yeah, I had some other verbs in mind too! :-)

  3. The curative powers of Mr Elba and DVDs.
    I mean,..they are good.
    If you haven't ever seen the 10years plus old UK TV series Ultraviolet, I would suggest a good 6 hour festival.
    He's great. Unstated love that's acted so gently that even my intelligent american friends didn't catch it.
    Yes, it is a sort of vampire series. But it long pre dated the current and boring untreated waste that sloshes through the cinemas and TV. I don't mean Buffy, by the way. That had its longeurs (too much SMG walking through dark streets looking like she had menstrual cramps) but essentialy it was clever and funny at heart - a hard trick to pull on US commerial telly.
    Ultraviolet never actually uses the V word, and any programme which can convince Corin Redgrave into an undead cameo has got to have something up its sleeve (the environmental vein - no pun etc..- probably).
    It's not CHEERFUL, but it is gripping.
    Let me know if you ever watch it and what you think.


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