05 January 2012

5. Something You Wore


Something I wore.

It's a sort of grey-lavender shapeless velvet J. Jill dress, which, like most J. Jill dresses in the late 1990s/early 2000s, looked much better in the catalogue than it did on me.  I was bigger than I like to be, in part due to as yet undiagnosed hypothyroidism.  But see those two up there?  They'd just gotten married about five minutes earlier in the courtroom on the other side of that wall, and when they came out, another person waiting on line to get married offered to take a picture.  So that's it, right there: our wedding album.

I'm keeping the dress - I'm not sure what for.


  1. Chris and I eloped at the courthouse as well, and my "wedding album" is just like yours, except our pictures were taken outside on a sunny November morning. You both look beautiful!!! Love your smile!!!

  2. ** sigh **

    Same reason I keep my wedding dress: A cherished symbol of a love too soon parted from us.

    And I'm sorry, but you have to reconstruct the comment that you deleted from my blog! ;)

  3. I have kept pieces of all the most beautiful dresses that my beautiful daughter wore, silks, velvets, cut velvets, cottons so fine they shimmer like taffeta but feel like an old friend. I slowly make them into quilts and pillows. They wear out under my old face over time, and fall apart, and have to go...but at night, while I pretend I might go to sleep this time, I think I can catch the milky flowery smell of her skin and hair.


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