18 September 2012

Onwards and upwards

Didn't get the job.  Their loss.  Onwards...


  1. So sorry.
    It is their loss.

    And if the person that is hired doesn't work out, that loss will be realized six miles away!

    Sometimes things just don't make sense.

    Good thoughts come your way.

  2. Sometimes it's impossible to believe that it is October again. Leaves here are beginning to color and some dogwoods have gently taken the lead.
    What local apples there are have begun appearing in local markets. My understanding is it wasn't a great year with little rain.

    Is autumn showing where you are? Are apples grown near you? The photo on this blog calls autumn to mind. Can you tell us about what is happening in your life? If not, can you tll us about the photo?

    Love to read your writings!
    Hope you are well.


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