Of the past 48 hours, I worked 21.
Busy is good. Idle isn't good. Somewhere more approximately midway between the two of them would be nice.
Anyway... so far, so good with the job, love my boss, love the changes he's made at the organization, love seeing my friends regularly again, love the pictures I've seen of the newborn son of one of them (not to mention the five other newborns of various Facebook friends - one more to go!). Anxious for winter to be over, for more sunlight, for more warmth, for no more ice and snow, for leaves on the trees.
Jerry would have been 70 years old next week. I find that absolutely amazing. When we met, he was six years older than I am now. I never thought of him as "old," ever, and he never was, really. And I still don't feel 50, whatever 50 is supposed to feel like.
Anyway, rambling. Place to go, people to see, Sears repairman to await this afternoon, since the dishwasher decided to join the fun and leak last week. Hoping for repair, not replacement. Hoping for more sleep, and soon.